Wednesday, August 8, 2007

360Elite Nightmare

How can I start....

Well it all started with me purchasing an xbox 360 Elite.
after about a month the xbox360 elite (hence forth the "Elite") died, no. not the red ring, but it was something else, it refused to read disks, the cd drive would not read any cd's. I searched and called and finaly sent the system for repair

The repair box arrived and I sent the system in... fearing the worse and hearing the nightmares from other 360 users I brased for the worse.

The elite was sent, and after about a month of "repair" Microsoft emailed me to let me know that my system was now "fixed". I proceeded to thank them, and then the part 2 of the nightmare began...

I arrived at the UPS store on 08/08/2007 and picked up my package, I talked to the store guy and he I opened the box in front of him, to my surprise the system that they had sent me was a regular 360 with no hdmi port. pictures included.

After this nightmare, I contacted the support for the Elite, and they could not believe my dilemma, you see, Microsoft when you send in a system, after the "Repair" if they send you another system, they delete the old Serial number from their record, luckily I had the email they sent me with the serial number of the system and I was able to prove that my system is the correct one.

I am now on the first day of this nightmare, guys tell me who else has experienced this? who else is having nightmares, is it time for us to sue Microsoft? or should we bear with them a little longuer and see if they get their act together? let the stories begin.


Unknown said...

It's happens and you know what usually happens, people call up support and get the problem fixed, with out making a blog about it and posting an off topic post about DLC on, and without a bunch of photos showing that you got a console back from the repair center and a random pic of a Elite box.

Ken said...

Is this from a user, or from some one that works at Microsoft...I guess you probably work for them, I happen to have a 360 and a ps3 and this is my third system, I might ahve posted off topic, but the people that MS has at the support end have no clue what they are doing. if so why would this happen? they are not even looking at what you send in for repair, they are just sending replacements. if that is the case then it should not take 1 month to get your system back.

Unknown said...

Microsoft should've been MASSIVELY sued already regarding the trash Xbox 360 is quality-wise. I mean, I don't know a single person who hasn't gone through at least 2 360's up until now.

Thank God Sony delivered. At 400$+, I don't want to have to replace my console every 1-2 years.

Ken said...

If I had to only replace the console every 1-2 years it would have been ok. I had to replace my Elite after only about 4 months, that goes to tell you that Msoft makes good software but horrible hardware. on another note I love xlive, I love the 360 but this must be fixed. I am starting to look at a Class action against this. if they know that this product is defective they need to issue a recall.

Ken said...

I have contacted the support for Xbox360, they have informed me that the issue is now been excalated and that some one from that department would be contacting me on Money before 9pm. I guess to return some ones system they have to think about it first. you know this is like taking your BMW to the mechanic and then a month later he comes back and says...Hey your honda is outside!!

my Honda? I thought I had a BM... wait a second.... well sir I will have to get my supervisor to find your BM since we don't know where it is now. do you happen to have the vin number of the car?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Yes I own a system, I feel sorry for your situation, but writing about it here isn't going to fix your situation faster. I only left a comment because I get upset when people leave off topic post on

Here is a tip ask for a new controller or a game for your inconvenience.

Ken said...

I don't want a new controller or a new game. That is lame, what I want is for MS to start looking into their support system seriously. Just because we are gamers it does not mean we are not serious about the cash we spend on our hardware.