Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The tides are turning.

Today I got in contact with Microsoft regarding this issue I have been complaining about,. it seems it is now been handle by upper management at Microsoft. I am wondering if any one else is experiencing this problem? are you guys having this too?

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Today I received an email from microsoft stating that a repair box for the white xbox 360 has been sent.
No one has contacted me yet regarding the problem or to verify that an elite system has been sent. I have contacted the support team to obtain more information regarding the email.
I will update as the issue becomes clear.

Thursday, August 9, 2007


Today I contacted Microsoft, they have assured me that this issue is been looked into, and that some one would be in contact with me this coming monday.

I will keep you guys updated on the situation.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

360Elite Nightmare

How can I start....

Well it all started with me purchasing an xbox 360 Elite.
after about a month the xbox360 elite (hence forth the "Elite") died, no. not the red ring, but it was something else, it refused to read disks, the cd drive would not read any cd's. I searched and called and finaly sent the system for repair

The repair box arrived and I sent the system in... fearing the worse and hearing the nightmares from other 360 users I brased for the worse.

The elite was sent, and after about a month of "repair" Microsoft emailed me to let me know that my system was now "fixed". I proceeded to thank them, and then the part 2 of the nightmare began...

I arrived at the UPS store on 08/08/2007 and picked up my package, I talked to the store guy and he I opened the box in front of him, to my surprise the system that they had sent me was a regular 360 with no hdmi port. pictures included.

After this nightmare, I contacted the support for the Elite, and they could not believe my dilemma, you see, Microsoft when you send in a system, after the "Repair" if they send you another system, they delete the old Serial number from their record, luckily I had the email they sent me with the serial number of the system and I was able to prove that my system is the correct one.

I am now on the first day of this nightmare, guys tell me who else has experienced this? who else is having nightmares, is it time for us to sue Microsoft? or should we bear with them a little longuer and see if they get their act together? let the stories begin.